sara senters - foster and adoption

Fostering Love and Family: Sara Senters’ Inspiring Journey from Foster Mom to Group Home Innovator

In a world where many children are in need of love and care, Sara Senters stands out as a beacon of hope. Her journey, featured in People magazine, is a powerful testament to the impact that one family can have on the lives of many. From becoming a foster parent to running group homes, Sara's dedication to fostering love and creating family environments has touched the lives of countless children.

A Family’s Beginning: The Decision to Foster

Sara and her husband’s journey began in 2009 when they decided to pursue their foster care license. With a strong desire to help children in need, they knew fostering was in their future. However, life had a different plan for them when Sara became pregnant with their first daughter. The agency encouraged them to take a year off to enjoy this special time, and they did. On their daughter’s first birthday, they completed the final steps to certify their home, marking the beginning of their foster care journey.

From that moment, their lives were forever changed. Children began coming into their home—some temporarily, others for longer periods. Reunifications with biological parents brought joy, but there were also moments when adoption became the best option for the child’s well-being. One of these moments was when a birth mother asked Sara to adopt her son. This unexpected request led Sara and her husband to open their hearts even wider, embracing the idea of adoption alongside fostering.

Expanding the Vision: From a Full House to Group Homes

As their family grew, so did their commitment to helping more children. Each time they added a child to their home, they thought, "This is it, our family is complete." But fate had other plans. When their home became full, Sara and her husband didn’t stop there. They recognized that many teenagers in the foster care system needed a family environment but often ended up in less ideal situations.

To address this need, they decided to expand their mission by opening group homes. Their goal was simple: create homes where teenagers, who are often overlooked, could experience the warmth and stability of a family. These group homes, staffed with compassionate individuals, strive to replicate the love and support that Sara and her husband have provided in their own home.

Building Futures: Empowering Through Work and Life Skills

But the Senters family’s commitment doesn’t end with providing a home. They believe in empowering the children in their care with the skills they need to succeed in life. Whether it’s through learning a trade, developing life skills, or simply experiencing the responsibilities of a job, Sara and her husband have made it their mission to prepare these children for the world outside the home. This holistic approach ensures that each child has the tools they need to build a bright future.

A Love Story Rooted in Service

Sara’s dedication to children is matched by her husband’s. The two met in Flagstaff, Arizona, while working in an afterschool program. Their shared passion for nurturing and empowering children brought them together, and it wasn’t long before they realized they were meant to be partners in life and in their mission to help others.

Sara’s husband, Ryan, was her manager at the program, and their relationship blossomed from a strong foundation of friendship and respect. Their love story, like their work, is rooted in a deep commitment to serving others.

Overcoming Challenges: The Reality of Fostering

Fostering and adopting children come with their own set of challenges. For Sara, one of the hardest parts was shifting her mindset from being a temporary caretaker to potentially becoming a permanent parent. The emotional rollercoaster of fostering—where reunification is the ultimate goal, but not always the outcome—can be tough to navigate.

Sara and her husband have also faced societal stereotypes and misconceptions about fostering and group homes. However, they remain steadfast in their mission, focusing on the positive impact they are making in the lives of the children they care for.

Advice for Prospective Foster Parents

For those considering fostering, Sara offers some heartfelt advice. First and foremost, she encourages potential foster parents to be prepared for the emotional journey that comes with the role. It’s important to enter into fostering with an open heart and mind, understanding that the ultimate goal is to reunite children with their biological families when possible.

For those unable to have biological children of their own, fostering can be a deeply fulfilling way to build a family. Sara’s experience shows that while fostering may come with its challenges, the rewards of providing love, stability, and a sense of belonging to children in need are immeasurable.

What’s Next for the Senters Family?

The Senters family’s journey is far from over. With Hanai Ranch thriving, they continue to explore new ways to expand their mission and help more children. Whether it’s through opening more group homes, creating new opportunities for skill development, or simply continuing to foster and adopt, the Senters family remains dedicated to making a difference.

Sara’s story, highlighted in her People magazine feature, is one of resilience, love, and unwavering dedication to the well-being of children. Her work with her family at Hanai Ranch is a shining example of how one family’s commitment to fostering can create ripples of positive change in the world.

Final Thoughts: A Call to Action

Sara Senters’ journey reminds us all of the importance of community and compassion. By opening their hearts and home to children in need, the Senters family has shown that love truly knows no bounds. As Sara continues her mission, she hopes to inspire others to consider fostering, adopting, or supporting group homes in their communities. Together, we can all make a difference in the lives of children, one home at a time.

If you’re interested in learning more about fostering, adoption, or supporting the Senters’ mission:


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